
David Williams 7th July 2021

I can recall the last time I saw Bridget (with Robert, young Oliver and Louise): it was sometime in 1986 or 7 they popped in whilst on holiday close to Great Yarmouth. We used to exchange Christmas cards. We'd exchange a few lines of updates most years. The last was in 2015, I suspected she'd just forgotten, she always appeared thorough sending these cards. After nothing is 16/17/18 I assumed that she'd moved and forgotten to update me in her yearly card but would catch me the next year. 2020 and no card, I started an internet search and found this page, I was shocked and somewhat taken aback, taken so young; devastating please accept this small token in acknowledgement of my thoughts and deepest sympathies… RIP Bridget, and my condolences to Robert’s, Oliver’s and Louise’s families.
